How To Fix A Running Toilet

  1. Identify the Problem:
    • Lift the toilet tank lid and observe what is happening inside. There are a few common issues that can cause a toilet to run continuously.
    • Check if the water level is too high and overflowing into the overflow tube.
  2. Adjust the Water Level:
    • Adjust the water level by turning the adjustment screw or bending the float arm. This will control the water level in the tank.
    • The water level should be about an inch below the top of the overflow tube.
  3. Check the Flapper:
    • The flapper is a rubber valve at the bottom of the tank. If it doesn’t seal properly, water will continue to leak into the bowl.
    • Ensure that the flapper is in good condition and properly seated. If it’s worn or damaged, replace it.
  4. Inspect the Chain:
    • The chain connected to the flush lever and the flapper should have some slack. If it’s too tight, it may prevent the flapper from sealing properly.
    • Adjust the chain to provide some slack, ensuring that it allows the flapper to close completely.
  5. Clean or Replace the Flapper:
    • If the flapper is dirty or has mineral deposits, clean it. Sometimes, a simple cleaning can resolve the issue.
    • If cleaning doesn’t work or if the flapper is damaged, replace it with a new one.
  6. Check the Fill Valve:
    • The fill valve is what refills the tank after flushing. Make sure it is working properly.
    • If the fill valve is old or malfunctioning, consider replacing it with a new one.
  7. Inspect for Leaks:
    • Check for any leaks around the base of the toilet, as well as in the tank. Leaks can contribute to continuous running.
    • If you find a leak, fix it promptly. It may involve tightening connections or replacing faulty parts.
  8. Clean the Flush Valve:
    • Mineral deposits and debris can accumulate in the flush valve over time. Clean it with a brush or a vinegar solution to ensure proper flushing.
  9. Consider a Professional:
    • If you’ve tried the above steps and the toilet is still running, or if you’re not comfortable with the repairs, consider calling a professional plumber.

Identifying the Problem

Before you embark on fixing your running toilet, it’s crucial to identify the problem accurately. Keep an eye out for signs such as continuous water running, strange noises, or water leaks around the toilet base. Understanding the root cause is the first step towards effective resolution.

Identifying the Problem
Identifying the Problem

Tools and Materials

To embark on your DIY toilet repair journey, gather essential tools and materials. Wrenches, pliers, replacement parts, and safety gear should be on your checklist. Prioritize safety by turning off the water supply before commencing any repair work.

Shutting Off the Water Supply

The initial step in fixing a running toilet is to shut off the water supply. Learn the step-by-step process to avoid potential mishaps and ensure a safe working environment. Also, read more

Removing the Tank Lid

Carefully remove the tank lid to unveil the inner workings of your toilet. Familiarize yourself with the components, setting the stage for a more informed troubleshooting process.

Checking the Flapper

Examine the flapper for signs of wear and tear, a common culprit in running toilets. We’ll guide you through the inspection process and outline replacement steps if necessary.

Inspecting the Float

A properly functioning float is crucial for regulating water levels in the tank. Discover how to adjust or replace the float to restore optimal functionality.

Examining the Fill Valve

Identify issues with the fill valve and learn the necessary steps for repair or replacement. A malfunctioning fill valve can contribute to a perpetually running toilet.

Addressing Overflow Tube Problems

Understanding potential issues with the overflow tube is essential. Explore solutions to prevent toilet overflow, maintaining a dry and functional bathroom space.

Fixing a Faulty Flush Valve

Recognize signs of a malfunctioning flush valve and acquire the skills to repair or replace it. A properly functioning flush valve is integral to a well-behaved toilet.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Implement regular cleaning and maintenance practices to prevent running toilets. Discover the importance of cleanliness in prolonging the life of your toilet components.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Highlighting mistakes to steer clear of during the repair process. Avoiding common pitfalls ensures a smoother and more effective resolution to your running toilet problem.

Seeking Professional Help

Knowing when to call a plumber for more complex issues is crucial. Understand the signs that DIY repairs may not be sufficient, ensuring a timely and appropriate resolution.

Saving Water and Energy

Explore how fixing a running toilet contributes to water and energy conservation. Uncover the environmental impact and the tangible benefits of resolving toilet issues promptly.


In conclusion, tackling a running toilet doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Armed with the knowledge from this comprehensive guide, you can confidently address toilet troubles and restore peace to your household plumbing. Remember, a well-maintained toilet not only saves water and energy but also contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly living environment.


How often should I perform maintenance on my toilet to prevent running issues?

Regular maintenance, including checks for leaks and worn components, should be conducted at least twice a year.

Can I use any replacement parts, or do I need specific ones for my toilet model?

It’s recommended to use replacement parts designed for your specific toilet model to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

What should I do if I encounter a problem I can’t fix on my own?

If DIY efforts prove insufficient, it’s advisable to seek professional help from a qualified plumber to address more complex issues.

Are there any long-term benefits to fixing a running toilet beyond water conservation?

Yes, resolving running toilet issues promptly can prevent damage to other components, extending the overall lifespan of your toilet.

Can a running toilet cause an increase in my water bills?

Absolutely. A running toilet can waste a significant amount of water, leading to higher water bills. Addressing the issue promptly can save you money in the long run.


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